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Not So Sleeping Beauty: The affects of going to bed wearing makeup - Dr. G - Philadelphia & New York City Makeup Artists
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Not So Sleeping Beauty: The affects of going to bed wearing makeup

Not So Sleeping Beauty: The affects of going to bed wearing makeup

Hey beauties,

If you wear makeup, you’re probably guilty of doing this even once in your life… Whether you forgot to remove your makeup, or were too tired to remove it, it has happened. We have all gone to bed wearing makeup at least once.

Here’s a summary of what is actually happening to your skin when you don’t remove makeup before bed.

Normally, when you sleep, the skin rejuvenates itself from stresses of the day. Particularly, sebum helps to remove dead skin cells from your pores, thereby preventing clogging. The twist: Makeup actually inhibits sebum from doing its job, thereby causing a build up of dead skin cells, and ultimately, acne development, fine lines and other signs of aging due to free radical damage.

get-rid-of-acne-scars-1 Acne-Scar













Can you think of a time where you kept makeup on and went to sleep, then experienced an acne breakout? If so, you now know the culprit.

So to prevent acne, and premature aging of skin, it is highly recommended that you remove your makeup prior to going to bed.
You can do so by using makeup remover wipes and/or facial cleanser, toner, or cold cream. Massaging the cleanser into the face for 30 seconds will help loosen up makeup and remove oil, dirt, and product.

It’s important to remove your eye makeup as well. Doing so prevents the development of an infection, contact irritation or allergic reaction.

Here are a few Dr. G favorites that get the job done.

ft_7d6200e3838ec53400badec8420ebd1aYes to Grapefruit


Remember: makeup is supposed to make you look or feel more beautiful, however leaving it on while going to bed has the opposite effect!

What’s your makeup remover regimen? Chime in below 🙂




  • Rece
    Posted at 19:11h, 11 August Reply

    I’ve actually been using the makeup remover wipes ever since your workshop. I told my sis about them too and we were wondering how we’ve been wearing makeup all of these years and didn’t use them. They’re awesome. I like the Target brand. I tried an actual name brand one and I didn’t get that clean feeling that I do from the Target ones, so I switched back. Love those things.


    • Dr. G
      Posted at 22:14h, 11 August Reply

      Sherece, I’m so glad that you and your sis are using makeup wipes. Have you noticed a difference in your skin since removing makeup before bed?

      Also, I too have tried target brand, and was satisfied with the results. As with any product, once you find what works with your skin, stick to it!

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